
Data Visualizations in the Music Classroom.

National Association of Music Educators Research Symposium, Atlanta, GA, September 2024

Girls’ Self-Efficacy Through Songwriting.

Presentation at Georgia Music Educators’ Conference, Classic Center, Athens, GA, January 2022

Music Industry Prep: Entrepreneurial Mindset.

Presentation at Georgia Music Educators’ Conference, Classic Center, Athens, GA, January 2021

Effective Models of K-12 Video Assessment: Teaching Connected Kids.

Presentation at College Music Society’s Northeast Conference, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, March 2018.

Jazz Ear Training with EarMaster Pro 6 Software: “Sight-Singing the Blues.”

Presentation at Music Educator Showcase, NAMM Show. Anaheim, CA, January 2018.

Videoconferencing with Gifted International Students.

Presentation at Rowan University Online Learning Symposium, Glassboro, NJ, May 2017.

Towards a Model of Digital Media Consumption in School Contexts.

Invited talk at NYC Coalition of Community Charter Schools, New York, NY, March 2017.

Jaime and the Beat: Adolescent Technical Fluidity and Musicianship.

Poster presented at Technology Pre-Conference Workshop, College Music Society, Santa Fe, NM, October 2016.

Take it from the Top: Traits of the Great Music Entrepreneurs.

Invited Talk at Rowan University Emerging Leaders Conference, Glassboro, NJ, September 2016.

Emerging Themes in Digital Music Discovery, Production, and Sharing.

Poster presented at Boston University Graduate Symposium, Boston, MA, March 2015.